Tuesday, June 24, 2008

- The Adventure of Lego Indiana Jones Game

Lego Indiana Jones
Lego Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures is a good, solid game. It comes from a lineage of good stock by the developer Traveler's Tales, who previously created the sublime franchise of Lego Star Wars, the game begins just as the Raiders of the Lost Ark did, with Indy trekking it through a dense jungle, but that's where things depart from the movie, his friends all taken away through their own foolishness and tribal hijinks until the sole survivor of Indy's posse is the character played by Alfred Molina in the Raiders of the Lost Ark.

This is how the rest of game plays out, the original story is there, but with minor details changed for storytelling purposes, mind you this is an "E" rated game. The characters do not speak, but their expressions and noises make up for the lack of voices. The story line is just as the trilogy went, with Raiders, Temple of Doom, and finally Last Crusade, hopefully they won't make a Kingdom of the Crystal Skull sequel.

The game plays surprisingly smooth and fighting seemed very natural, the controls were intuitive enough so that I did not have to use the manual, just the beginning tutorial was sufficient. There were some gameplay difficulties in one area and that was the fighting. Enemies seemed to have an unfair advantage by being able to use guns which knocked a whole heart off every time you were hit, but other than that the game plays wonderfully. To advance in the game one must collect Lego pieces and puzzles that use various other Lego pieces from you surroundings. Unlike the Lego Star Wars games, Lego Indiana Jones' puzzles are much simpler and are fun to complete and rarely escalate to tedium.

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