Wednesday, June 25, 2008

- Tekken Tag Tournament

Tekken Tag Tournament
Yes, they've finally done it! In the past, you'd see the cut-scenes of a game and then be disappointed by the actual blocky characters you had to move around. With Tekken Tag Tournament on the PS2, the characters are fluidly smooth, the backgrounds are INCREDIBLE and the combinations of moves for each character both reflect the personality of the fighter and are executed flawlessly on the screen.

The Tag Tournament aspect might seem distracting before you've tried it, but in the game it adds another entire strategic layer to how you play. You can choose two players who have opposite skill sets, so that you choose which one to kill off your opponents with. Or, you can choose with matching skills so that you continue to hammer on your foes with a certain style of play.

Even better, certain combinations of characters can do a special tag move, so that one player does something on his/her way 'out' and the other character finishes the move while coming into the arena. Very, very cool!

And those graphics! Your characters can wear different outfits. The fire in the torches looks like REAL fire - one of the hardest things to do on a computer. The leaves on the ground actually scatter when you slam your enemy into the floor.

Definitely a game to get if you enjoy fighting games at all, and one which will knock the socks off of your friends when they see it on your TV!

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